Wealth & Extravagance: A perception

Maybe you’ll get there or not, I cannot say… But at least, your children won’t have to start where you started from.

Although, they helped us become more responsible with our lives,

See ehn, some of the ideals we’ve been taught are relative in application. One of them is frugality. The other, is humility.

Let’s not be too fast to bad mouth people living above our benchmark for these things.

Remember, you once associated starching clothes and 'adding gators' with being proud. Just look at you today?

You once said that using a phone above 20K is a NO, NO… lookatyu, just lookatyu today?

All animals were born but, we weren’t born equal.

Some were born at the top. Some will have to work their way up. It’s that way, it’s called life!

What is frugality to Mr Ajanlekoko can never mean frugality to a Dangote. It would mean, suffering to a DJ Cuppy.

What is normal for a Zahra will always mean ‘outrageous’ to you.

It isn’t her fault that she was born up there, neither is it ours that we weren’t born with a silver spoon.

And it also isn’t her fault that her lifestyle seems to you like “she’s showing off”. That is her own ‘normal’ and she’s “living her class”.

Work a lil harder. Work your way up there.

Maybe you’ll get there or not, I cannot say… But at least, your children won’t have to start where you started from.

The earlier we understood these truths and start seeing things without sentiments, the easier it is going to be on us.

In the meantime,

-- While you can roll with them, never equate yourself with a rich man’s child. No matter how some of them may try to blend, your tastes and life views will always be different.

-- You cannot dictate to a person what he/she spends his/her money on. Except if you're his/ her parent, It isn’t your business!

-- As you go up, un-learn some of the views you have about life. Learn new ones as appropriate.

-- I’ve found that most of our ideals/lifestyle are inspired by our current financial ability or spiritual knowledge. I’ll advise that you do not force them on people unnecessarily!

-- Before you bad-mouth people seemingly more favored than you are, remember that even your current level and status is someone else’s benchmark/definition of being OKAY (wealthy)!

Finally, I am not justifying extravagance. I am also not saying that the characters mentioned are extravagant. They are only Illustrations.

You get it? Now, read again. Share if you want. 



© Victor S. OLAWOORE, 2020

** Picture is unrelated.
** Interpretation is totally yours.

Victor S. Olawoore

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