6 Countries where you can study for free as a Nigerian

Every Nigerian student dreams of studying abroad. The educational environment and the infrastructure abroad are highly developed and hundreds of courses can be taken there.

However, high tuition fees and living expenses have become unbearable for people from poor or middle class families. But the good news is that some countries provide free education for international students, which means that you can continue to receive higher education for free.

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Below is a list of 6 countries that provides free education for international students and that you can also study there as a Nigerian student:


 1. Germany

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 Germany is one of the countries where you can receive higher education for free. Almost all public universities do not charge tuition fees. The only fee that students sometimes have to pay is the administration fee, which is much lower than the fees charged in our own country. 

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English is widely used in Germany and the courses offered here are also in English, making it easier for international students to receive higher education in the country. 


2. Norway 

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Norway is another country where you don't need to spend a penny for an undergraduate, graduate or doctoral degree. This is because the government uses taxpayer money to fund education in the country. 


However, most of the best universities in Norway offer Norwegian language education, so you must learn the language and pass the proficiency test. 

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Most universities have well-equipped computer facilities and high-speed Internet services and modern laboratories.


3. Sweden 

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Swedish universities offer free education to both Swedish and non-Swedish students. they also pay and reward students for their research workd.

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 Also, many universities in Sweden offer scholarships for international students. Examples of schools in Sweden includes

the Karolinska Institute, Uppsala University, and Stockholm University etc. 


4. Finland

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 Higher education in Finland is free, especially at the postgraduate and doctoral level. 


Finland is popular for offering courses in design, architecture, and communication.

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 This country also has excellent polytechnic universities that provide more practical education. 


5. Czech Republic

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 More than 30,000 international students study in the Czech Republic. Universities in the Czech Republic offer courses in medicine, engineering and science.

 Education is taught mainly in Czech; however, many of the universities also offer education in English. This country is a perfect combination of rich cultural heritage and modernization.

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 6. Brazil

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 In Brazil, national and international students can study for free at most public universities and only have to pay a registration fee. 

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In private institutions of higher education, the amount a student must pay depends on the university and the study program the student chooses.


 Brazil is also considered an affordable country for students, because Brazil's food and transportation costs are cheaper compared to neighboring countries.


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