Who Ya Gonna Call? Foreigner Friendly Emergency Numbers and More

Ignorance is not bliss when it comes to learning the laws and rights in a new country. Here, we lay out some of the crucial rules that one should know (and not break), the rights that you have as a foreign person residing in Beijing, and other important information that you will need to na

Thefts can be more common than one would like in Beijing. Below are some of the commonly seized items and what to do post-theft:

– If you lose your passport, report the theft at both the police station and the division of Exit/Entry Administration at the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau or at the exit-entry department of the public security bureau branch nearest to where the passport was lost. A new passport can be acquired at your embassy or consulate using the Confirmation of Passport Loss document. Don’t forget to apply for a new visa!

– In the event that your property is stolen, call the police at 110 and report the theft immediately. Then wait for the police to arrive and cooperate with them, which may include going to the station.

Missing Persons
A missing persons’ report can be filed 48 hours after that persons’ disappearance. The report can be filed both at your country’s embassy location in Beijing or at the local police department.

You should locate the embassy nearest to your residence before arriving, and keep their contact information with you. Embassies often send out alerts or other important information that their citizens should know about while in Beijing. At the embassy, you can file a missing person’s report and vote in your home country’s elections.

Emergency Numbers
We recommend writing these down and keeping them in the back of your phone case, or some other such place. After all, in the event of an emergency, the last thing you want is to be fumbling through your contacts, looking for the right phone number.

Fire: 119
Police (Phone): 110
Police (Text): 12110
Police (English emergency hotline): 6525 5486
Ambulance (Chinese): 120
Ambulance (English) 999
Traffic Accidents: 122
Foreign Emergency Services: 6525 5486
Chaoyang District Center for Disease Control and Prevention: 6777 3512
Beijing United Family Hospital Emergency Services: 5927 7120
Raffles International Clinic and Emergency Services: 6462 9112
Raffles International Assistance Center: 6462 9100


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