
Auseal Solvent

$110.00 (USD)
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প্রকাশিত হয়েছে দ্বারা Auswood Timber Hardware
  •  অবস্থান39 Rainier Crescent, Clyde North, Victoria 3978
  •  স্ট্যাটাসস্টক
  •  টাইপনতুন

AUSEAL BLEND XYLENE is used as a thinner for Auseal – Curite solvent based sealer, and also as a general cleaner for machinery and applicators.
Auseal Blend Solvent can also be used to clean concrete sealers and prepare them for sealing. It can also soak out grease and oil stains from concrete prior to sealing.
Appearance: Clear colourless low – viscous liquid
Total Solids: N/A
pH: N/A
Specific Gravity: 0,8
Water Solubility: Immiscible
Min Film Forming Temp: N/A
Min Film Thickness: N/A

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